How To Use This Document

This document outlines a comprehensive Notion template stack designed specifically for professional comedians. The goal is to provide a structured and efficient way to manage their careers, from tracking performances and managing managing material to financial planning and personal development.

Open-Source Use

This Notion template stack is designed to be a comprehensive tool for professional comedians to manage their careers efficiently and effectively. It is open-source and can be used by anyone with access to this link. By utilizing these templates, comedians can focus more on their craft and less on the administrative aspects of their career. Make sure to duplicate this page to personalize the template for your personal and professional use.

Stack Templates

Performance Tracker

Material Tracker

Booking Tracker

Financial Tracker

Content Creation Planner

Personal Development

Networking Hub

Available Resources

Club/Show Directories

Festival Directories

Key Publications 

Writing Workshops  

Notable Podcasts

Notable Books